Bentley SewerCAD V8i (SELECTSeries 4) v08.11.04.54

An easy-to-use interface, automatic design features, and stunning presentation tools will help you focus on engineering better sewer collection systems.
Modelers can build complete system profiles on-the-fly with full layer annotation and placement control, instantly recognize bottlenecks in your system with dynamic presentation and reporting tools, and use automated design tools to propose improvements and assess the financial impact of suggested changes.
About Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Bentley is the global leader dedicated to providing architects, engineers, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive software solutions for sustaining infrastructure.
Bentley Systems applies information mobility to improve asset performance by leveraging information modeling through integrated projects for intelligent infrastructure.
Its solutions encompass the MicroStation platform for infrastructure design and modeling, the ProjectWise platform for infrastructure project team collaboration and work sharing, and the AssetWise platform for infrastructure asset operations - all supporting a broad portfolio of interoperable applications and complemented by worldwide professional services.
Founded in 1984, Bentley has more than 3,000 colleagues in 50 countries, more than $500 million in annual revenues, and since 2003 has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions.
روابط التحميل
Bentley SewerCAD V8i (SELECTSeries 4) v08.11.04.54
مراجعة بواسطة Unknown
3:01 ص

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